Monday, July 30, 2007

Don't Take Anything for Granted

Life has its ups and downs like a sine curve but it is not regular like the sine curve. Sometimes the period of exaltation is longer and the state of depression is shorter and sometimes it is the other way round.

When we are happy we take it for granted, as if it is a natural thing like hunger. But when things go wrong we blame our fates, blame others and ourselves for deserving such things. During this period we forget all about our previous moments of joy. We have only one thing in mind, that fate is not with us. Whatever we do is not just good enough. A state of depression prevails. What happens next? That state goes away and we are again happy. What do we do then? Again take it for granted.

Instead a person should keep this in mind that things are not always good or always bad. They move between the two extremes, sometimes staying longer at one extreme and sometimes at another. This oscillation is only because when we enter the state of elation, we can enjoy it more and be thankful for it. These moments also protect us in time of sadness. During the 'low' times in life, these moments of happiness serve as a rope that we hold on to, a source of hope that we will get out of it one day and things will get better.

When there is light, there is darkness. The dark side is there so that a person can enjoy the light. If people are always in the state of ecstasy, they will not be able to enjoy it for a long time. They will not know what to enjoy. But when they are sad, when things just don't go right, the happiness becomes a treasure.

One must enjoy each moment of happiness, take it as a gift, cherish the moments. They should not be ignored as something which should always happen. If things are looking glum there is something to learn from them. There is always a hope that this is just a phase which will pass.

One should never underestimate oneself and one's circumstances because this is another self-created source of unhappiness. Everyone is made different, so a person should not expect that they should be like others. One must take a close look at oneself and think what one can do. There is always some thing that a person can do which is not common but they take it for granted. For example, if a person paints well, he/she will take it for granted and not give it any importance. But the truth is that painting is an art and few possess this capability.

A person has to think very hard and dig out their hidden or ignored talents and interests, congratulate himself/herself on it and take pride in it. Work on it, improve it, spend more time in it and enjoy every moment. Even when he/she feels 'down', this capability can be used to keep the mind off such things. This helps in moving one out of the 'low' state.

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